Thu 02 Jan
Tight.. Busty Nympho N Need of Some Serious Flesh Pounding 80 HW Incall - 28
•*¨¨*• ❀ •*¨¨*• S I M P L Y •*¨¨*• ❀ •*¨¨*• G O R G E O U S •*¨¨*• D I V A•*¨¨*• ❀ •* - 22
(Atlanta, Downtown ATL/Buckhead --- Incall&Outcall;)
_____/ / / S u g a r - C o a t e d __ B l o n d e / / / with __ L e g s __ for __ D a y s / / /_____ - 23
(Atlanta, Blondes have more fun!) (Buckhead)
▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ SAUNA ONE 💞▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊💞 GRAND OPENING SPECIAL $49.99/45MIN ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ - 21
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, 🎀🎀🎀_I-85 EXIT 89 / 404-228-9462)
~~* Red Velvet Sweets *~~ "Taste The Fun" @ 404)) 447-3557 Im "KIM" .. - 21
(PanolaRd/20east/NorthlakePkw/Lavista Rd.)
(REVIEWED )) *°♥• O_N _E __ i_N __ A__ M_i_L_ L_i_O_N • ♥•* (( SPECIALS ) - 25
THICK SeXY HoT & ClAsSY latina 100% real pics! - 24
(Bronx, yonkers,mt.vernon,new rochelle,white pla)
ALL NATURAL 36DD**Gorgeous Dominican Ebony Mix Porn Star LAYTON BENTON ! Available In SO-CAL - 22
(Beverly Hills, Downtown, Hollywood, Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Sfv, Oc, IE, LB, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Westside)
´¯` ALL ´¯` YOU ´¯` NEED ´¯` AND ´¯` MORE ´¯` ♥* o☆° - 19
(Los Angeles, LAX 405 Area Incall)
(Visiting)NEW EROTIC SHEMALE...🎥 NEW VIDEO..🎥.Long legs Soft Body...Iam Your Secret treat!! - 24
(Bronx, Bronx/alone)
#Video proof ##TOP ff loaded cuban tranny ready and waiting## - 24
(Bronx, e 161 yankee stadium.area)
60SpEciAL!YounG&BeAuTifuL; BubbLe BuT ExOTIC Mix CoMe GeT TrEaTed RiGhT I have ThE RemEdY for TonighT - 21
(Hollywood, Hollywood,L.A surrounding areas out call)
* *I MaKe DrEaMs CoMe TrUe* *BrUnEttE CuTiE* *CuRVy GiRL NeXT DooR aLL 4 U* - 22
☆ i'M (( yOuR )) #1 ChOiCe ☆ ☆ tHe (( NaUghTiEsT )) pLaYmAtE ☆ SPECIALS - 21
(Cleveland, ೋ AiRpOrT ArEa InCaLLೋ)
Gorgeous ebony beauty ... MIA ... A sweet talented temptation you dont want to miss! Reviewed - 21
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, west)
gay police doing stings at the crown plaza independence ROOKIE police officers on duty - 99
(Cleveland, OUTCALLS)
Find a for free! Just sign up!
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
ebony bubble butt stalion (nicest azz on b.p) back in town - 20
(Cleveland, west 130/brookpark out everywhere)
ℰ❌ℂℒUЅiVℰ 💄👄 √¡ρ Tяεα†mεη† ☆••••► 🔥 🎀ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ 🎀 💎 5⃣⭐️ Service░【YOUR # ❶ CHOICE】✰ - 25
(Bronx, Incalls Only/HABLA ESPANOL, Manhattan, Midtown West, Upper Manhattan, West Side, Westchester)
↗👍👉Tw0 Gir! $pecial Stop Here For Chyna & Moet service$$$$$$ - 21
(Bronx, Bronx whiteplanes road. INCALLS!)
@@@ Two Freaks waiting by the phone to make you feel $pecial @@@ - 22
(Bronx, ★ ★ ★ ★ Passion 22 (5'-6") Curvy booty)
**Curvy Mixed Pure Passion** $50/$70/$100 INCALLS ONLY - 22
(Cleveland, Beachwood upscale location INCALLS ONLY)
ATT: NEW & 4 A LIMITED TIMe ! . . . . . . 2 Is Better Then 1 Dont Miss Out On Specials ALL NIGHT!!! - 19
--- BRIA'S Back* ------> Eager 2 Please!!! WhO Wants 2 Be First?! TER REVIEWD - 23
(*::.. MiddleBurg Heights ..::*)
ALL THiS Azzz SuPeR SoFt ☁ ((DaMN G¡ⓡL u Th¡ⓒK Azz HeLL)) YoUr Stress Releaser🍷 - 39
(Mobile, Mobile AL...Airport /Age 35 up)
Call Now💦💋 Can I Be Your Naughty Little Freak 💦☆»Super Tight☆💦💋Call Now - 22
(Cleveland, East 💦💋incall💋💦)
CaLL DR.LoPeZ RiGhT Now FOr SuM ThErApy CLICK HERE LeViNg SOoN 3304101025 FrIendly Latina - 19
(Cleveland, westside incalls outcalls everywhere!)
$16O SPECIALS :) __-- GORGEOUS BLONDE.. Simply the best choice.. Let'z do it Boyz - 21
(Mobile, InCalls All night Springdale & Belair)
*█* ► *'"**J E S S I C A:* ☆ *'"* *(( *SPECIAL* ))* (216) 903-4865 - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland/LocaL *iN&ouT;*)
Special Incall ONLY🌸🌸🌸 (¯`•❤❤•´¯) G_O_R_G_E_O_U_S •❤❤• L_I_T T L E •❤❤• C_U_T_I_E (¯`•❤❤•´¯) - - 23
(Bronx, Parkchester area incalls)
▓ ▓ ~♥~ SEXY Lil PLAYDATE ~♥~ ▓ ▓ Special Rates ! ! ! - 21
(Cleveland, *UP-LATE* Your place Or Mine!)